Monday, April 09, 2012

Lack of Productivity

It was, overall, not a very productive weekend. Some weekends are like this.

My original goal was not to leave home until Monday morning. Then I had to do the BOM thing. Then the child needed shoes for picture day this week. And then we were invited over for Easter. And thus my plan to not leave home for 3 glorious days was shot.

While that was annoying, the migraine was the worst. On Friday, it had me in bed at 5.30. On Saturday, I made it as far as about 9.00. On Sunday, it flirted with me, but never stayed. The barometer went nuts, going from 80 degrees to a hard freeze one night. That much fluctuation does some serious damage. I just cannot keep up.

I tried to quilt. I did finish the quilting on the Australia quilt. This week, the goal is to bind the thing. I did more quilting on the Huge Fence Rail. I made progress on BRB blocks and Chiclets blocks. I tried. I really did.

I am now entering a phase of mandatory overtime, coupled with an extremely busy life outside of work. I have no idea how I am going to fit quilting in, but I will because I must. So the goal for the month has changed to try to move each quilt one step farther each week.

1. Australia quilt – bound and done.
2. Huge Fence Rail – quilted.
3. St. Pat’s – sandwiched.
4. BRB – continue on blocks.
5. Chiclets – finish 12.
6. Shirts – cut 4.

That’s as much as I can focus on between now and next Monday.

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