I overplan. It’s a byproduct of liking lists. I’m convinced.
Week 35 was maybe like 15% successful. I will call that a win. The peach sox were completed, and they, plus 2 more pairs, were blocked. I want 10 things blocked by month end and 3 are done. I got the knitting on the blue sweater to the point of needing to try it on. Trivia ended up being cancelled, so while we still ordered food instead of cooking, that meal was with DD, as she came home for the afternoon. The computer desk did get set up and Ted redid some computer wiring stuff, so now I have an open shelf in a bookcase. I did roast a chicken, used it all up and used up the whole CSA bag. 50% of my work meals were brought from home. And we had the piano conversation.
Most importantly, I sewed. On whatever I felt like. I finished making the pumpkin bodies for Bonnie Hunter’s Pumpkin Patch. Yay!
Week 36 started off with a dead car battery for Ted. That is an expense that will just have to be handled. Trivia is on hiatus, so Ted and I are eating in, but will probably splurge on pizza this weekend – we have a hankering. Another goal of 50% of work meals brought from home (I eat both breakfast and lunch at work). Already at 80%, as I brought yesterday and today.
Monday, I spent 45 minutes right when I came home and cleaned up the upstairs hallway. Not quite done, but I got far. I made dinner and cookies.
Tuesday – Picked up the CSA this evening and ate leftover soup. Have my lunch tomorrow packed, so what helps. Spoke to DD for a half hour, so that was a great use of time. Now I hope to just pick up and tidy for the rest of the evening.
Wednesday – More car stuff I bet. I would like to get a whole hour in upstairs. I can dream. Also start spirit socks (the yarn that needs to be wound). Living room. Blue sweater.
Thursday – By this point, the car should be sorted out. Meal planning should happen. Trying to develop a 28 day cycle. I think this is possible. Living room done. More time upstairs. Start the process for closet command hooks.
Friday – Done hopefully in the early afternoon. Build the home blessing hour for this floor, as I was a bum last Friday. Clean landing and set up table. Command hooks. Buy shoe racks and set up, as well as the new hamper.
Weekend goals:
2 hours upstairs
1 bag yard waste
Spice cabinet
Order sweater stuff for Loopy Grad School
Sort through new yarn – donated to me
Get grays and greens picked out for pumpkins
Make 2 pouches
Sandwich one quiltHandwork cut out for use