Friday, February 15, 2013

Lenten Challenge

This week was Ash Wednesday, and while I am not as close to my faith as I once was, I am going to take up / give up something for Lent.  I am only going to work on projects that have already been started. I will not start anything new.  I admit I got this from another quilter, but I think it is a good one.  Let’s see how much I can accomplish.

I did start a new project on Tuesday, a crocheted baby afghan.  I have several people who are expecting either children or grandchildren in my life so I am trying to get ahead.  The afghan I started is just going to be one really big granny square in a beautiful pastel ombre-blend color.  5 rounds of granny, one round of hdc, lather, rinse, repeat.  It’s good to work on before bedtime while watching 15-20 minutes of recorded TV.

Maybe, just maybe, I will be able to bust 40 yards during the 40 days, finish 2 crochet things and 1 knit thing.  That would be a lot and it would be awesome.  Stay tuned.

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