Monday, July 08, 2019

Update #1 for July


Finish binding one thing to move down the Queen's List and get my Q3 finish in.

I'm #5 on the Queen's List, so I found the UFO to bind.  Did 2 needles yesterday and will do 2 needles a day until it's done.  Should be done this week.


July Camp Loopy - completed

I wanted to be at row 36 on the chart, and I ended last night on row 24.  Goal for this week is to row 68.

June Camp Loopy - through the sleeves

Got one sleeve done.  There's some road trip travel this week so I only wanted one active set of needles on the sweater.  I will work on this in the car this week.


Get through half of this list.  This 29 episodes - so 15 gone would be good.  I have a lot on my tivo and so I try to stay current, but some of the older stuff can fall off.  Final count on the tivo should be 170.

Unsolved : The Murders of Tupac and BIG 3 - deleted
Hillary 5 - done
Durrells 9
The Orville 2
MacGyver 4
Knightfall 6

OK, my tivo is wigging out.  It deleted 26 episodes of one show.  Then it deleted Unsolved: The Murders of Tupac and BIG.  Then every couple of days, an episode of Hillary and the Durrells.  I am ticked.

I don't care about the Tupac thing and the 23 episodes of Chicago PD can be found on reruns without issue.  However, the 2 PBS shows really piss me off.

So I went to PBS Passport and set  up Hillary on my laptop.  Got my 5 charts for my shawl set up and promptly knit my way through all 5 episodes that I had left.

And that was my week!

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