Monday, July 13, 2009


You’d think that many days without a husband or a child underfoot I would have achieved a lot.

Except I had a 4 day migraine. And there went the concept of progress.

Yesterday was the first day I felt I could function for longer than an hour without retreating to a dark room. Saturday, I did drive DD to Chicago so she could spend the week with her aunt, but it was a very painful drive up and a very painful one home. I am just grateful it was achieved.

I also unplugged my phone. I just couldn’t stand the jarring ring every time I could fall asleep to end the migraine.

So while I had all of these grandiose plans to get so very much done as of Wednesday night to the present, very little has been achieved. I did get the kitchen to an acceptable level, as well as the rest of my main floor. This is key; then anyone can walk in. I of course have been living on that floor this week, so it needs maybe 10 minutes of love, but otherwise I am in good shape. (The dry cleaning lying on the floor is really the issue. Dry cleaning is such a pain in the butt.)

I did also start and accomplish a significant amount of the laundry. There are something like 10 loads that need to be done, and Ted comes home tonight (a day early!) and he’ll be bringing his. Hopefully we can stay on top of this. I have been folding as they are complete (and shamelessly watching the Michael Jackson tribute whilst doing so), so folding is remaining current.

I also did finally get downstairs to sew. After declaring that there was absolutely NOTHING on TV on Sunday, I headed down there. I fired up the Friday Night Lights and got through about 5 episodes. I also got 40 blocks down for the Mellie swap (1/3) and sandwiched a curtain panel, which was no small endeavor. That thing was a monster (4 feet by 7 feet just for the top, so you can imagine the rest), but now that one is sandwiched, there’s only one more left to be sandwiched and then the quilting can begin. I also am developing a way to sandwich large quilts via my ironing board, and if it holds true for the second curtain panel, then I will attempt to sandwich the Christmas BRB this way. Then I will have something like 6 quilts ready to be quilted, which is a good and beautiful thing.

And I just remembered to buy tickets and ride bracelets for the county fair! Yay!

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