Monday, February 17, 2025

Happy Bereavement!

 Yes that is the weirdest title ever.  I'm OK with that.

When my FIL died in November, I was unable, nor was it really necessary for me, to take bereavement time.  When we laid him to rest in mid-December, I chose to use PTO, as I had so much to use up.  According to work policy, based on his relationship to me, I have 7 days of bereavement leave to take, and we are allowed to take it in separate increments within 6 months.  

With the new system safely in at work, I decided to take this week off and just be.  I'm only logging into work, if it all, after 9pm because I won't work for 3 hours.  I do have work on my phone, so I have been scanning things, but there hasn't been anything earth-shattering.  

So far, I've updated my recipe book, I've sewn together my Little Cotton Rabbits (LCR) bunny, made them some shorts and started to shovel out Renee's room.  I've scheduled 3 different internal audits for various groups that I am affiliated with.  I'm getting caught up on personal email.  

So a good use of time.  I do have an errand day planned and I do need to leave the house for a few other things, but a very much low-key restful set of days.

Monday, January 27, 2025


My sister and I, unbeknownst to each other, would each choose a word to define the new year.  This literally went on for like 5 years before we figured out each other was doing it.  Anyway, a bit of backstory.

This year, my word is ENOUGH.  I mean in it a few ways.

That there is ENOUGH.  I have enough crafting stuff.  Let's work on using that.  My two deep freezes are full of food; let's eat some of that down before rushing to refill the larder.  I have ENOUGH clothes; there is enough of many things.  


That for some things, I've had ENOUGH.  I don't want to fill my time, headspace or soul with upsetting things.  Yes, this sounds like politics, and some of it is politics, but there are other things that I will continue to say I've had ENOUGH.  Many times, this deals with what I am willing to watch on TV or what I am willing to read.  I don't want to watch about abuse or dying children.  Or read about it either.  You won't find me seeing the movie It Ends With Us.  Nope nope nope.


So my word this year is ENOUGH.

And enough about that.  (see, I even made a funny)